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The Population Reference Bureau coordinated a comparative study of population, health, and environment (PHE) integration and cross-sectoral collaboration in East Africa. Teams from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda assessed the state of PHE integration in their respective countries, through identifying relevant stakeholders; assessing the policy environment for cross-sectoral collaboration; highlighting the most salient population, health, and environment issues; and describing the current state of integration among projects, programs, and policies. The methods used for this assessment include a review of relevant policies, laws, and project documents; key informant interviews; and field visits to case study sites. The Tanzania PHE Assessment was made possible with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This policy brief is based on the Tanzania PHE Assessment written in 2007 by the late Dr. N.F. Madulu, formerly of the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA)/University of Dar es Salaam and the members of the Tanzania PHE Assessment team.

Year: 2007

Source: Population Reference Bureau

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