Long’ida’s FamilyEnglish, Kiswahili Video Northern Tanzania Rangelands Initiative Tanzania Advocacy, Community Outreach A video highlighting changes one Tanzanian family has made to address challenges of water availability, health, and dry season grazing. Year: 2019 Source: Northern Tanzania Rangelands Initiative Access the resource AdvocacyCommunity OutreachFebruary 23, 2021/by Sean Stewart https://peopleplanetconnect.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/NTRI_logo.png 122 248 Sean Stewart http://pheinteractive.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/PPC-logo_Color-300x106.png Sean Stewart2021-02-23 14:35:302021-07-01 15:10:49Long’ida’s Family