Advancing the Integration of Family Planning and Reproductive Health into Climate Change Policies and Programming in Rwanda

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Integrating Family Planning and Reproductive Health into Rwanda’s Climate Action Plans

Rwanda is advancing efforts to integrate family planning (FP), reproductive health (RH), gender equity, and youth considerations into its climate change action plans.

Key strategies include cross-sector collaboration, leveraging climate financing for health initiatives, and building public awareness. By mainstreaming FP/RH into climate resilience policies and creating platforms for dialogue between health and environmental sectors, Rwanda aims to improve both climate change adaptation and population dynamics.

However, the USAID-funded Building Capacity for Integrated Family Planning/Reproductive Health and Population, Environment and Development Action (BUILD) project analyses of the country’s policies suggest that capacity building, research, and international cooperation will further support this comprehensive approach, driving sustainable development and contributing to Rwanda’s long-term climate resilience.


Year: 2024

Source: The BUILD Project

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