Archive for: Integration

The HoPE-LVB Project project applied the ExpandNet/World Health Organization (WHO) systematic scaling-up approach of Beginning with the End in Mind to ensure successful institutionalization and expansion of the project. This brief provides lessons to implementers and donors on how institutionalization emerged as a critical pathway towards scale-up and sustainability of integrated programming.

Year: 2018

Source: Pathfinder International

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A short film by the HoPE-LVB Project, implemented by Pathfinder International. In the film, Rosalida and Evans talk openly to their daughters, Mercy and Alice, about family planning, hygiene, and the environment. They also educate fellow fishermen and women on these topics.

Year: 2018

Source: Pathfinder International

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The Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project is one of the largest and most scaled up integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) programs implemented in the East African region. As such, the HoPE-LVB toolkit has been developed using the lessons learned and best practices from the project in the hope that this PHE approach to sustainable development will be adopted on a wider scale not only in East Africa but in other areas of the world. The toolkit is a unique collection of resources that has been developed to promote “a complete status of well-being” of individuals and families by converging activities related to the three sectors of population, health and environment.

Year: 2017

Source: Pathfinder International

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This case study illustrates the relationship between population, family planning, community health, and the sustainability of natural resources in the Lake Victoria Basin, the largest lake basin on the African continent. It demonstrates how these dimensions are shaped by many factors, including human-caused alteration to the lake, access to sexual and reproductive health services, and environmental degradation.

Year: 2018

Source: Planetary Health Alliance

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In this study, researchers define and measure resilience within the context of Population, Health, and Environment programming and quantify the link between resilience and family planning. The study findings support the importance of including FP/MCH as part of integrated projects to enhance resilience.

Year: 2018

Source: Population and Environment

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Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) is an integrated population, health, and the environment (PHE) project in Kenya and Uganda that aims to reduce ecosystem degradation in the Lake Victoria Basin, while increasing access to essential public health services in project communities, through promotion of multisectoral collaboration. This article presents findings from an internal evaluation using secondary analysis of service statistics, a quantitative household survey, a self-administered questionnaire with health-care providers, focus group discussions with community members, and key informant interviews with community members and policy makers in the project areas.

Year: 2019

Source: The Lancet Planetary Health

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A brochure from Pathfinder International, PAI, and the Sierra Club on how PHE contributes to the proposed Sustainable Development Goals.

Year: 2015

Source: Pathfinder International | PAI | Sierra Club

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Experts in the family planning sector have developed a set of evidence-based practices—known as Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs)—that improve family planning and reproductive health program outcomes. HIPs can also be applied in development programs that integrate multiple sectors at the community level, including family planning. This policy brief explores the promising opportunity that exists to expand the use of HIPs within population, health, and environment (PHE) projects.

Year: 2019

Source: Population Reference Bureau

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A research report by Population Reference Bureau (PRB), in collaboration with partners from the Tuungane Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project, that analyzes data from Tuungane’s baseline survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among village residents regarding family planning (FP), conservation, and potential linkages.

Year: 2016

Source: Population Reference Bureau

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This working paper by the Evidence Project synthesizes the available research from the latest generation of population, health, and environment (PHE) projects, providing a detailed account of the benefits of integrated projects and gaps in the evidence base.

Year: 2015

Source: Population Reference Bureau

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