Taking Stock: Sexual and Reproductive and Health and Rights in Climate Commitments: A Global Review
The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the most central and globally representative climate policy documents that outline the national climate plans of countries that have ratified the Paris Climate Agreement. […]
How to Bring Anti-Racism into the Population Conversation
This piece provides background on how population has been communicated about in the past and provides guidance and recommendations on how to bring anti-racism into the conversation going forward. Source: […]
PHE Documentary
This video, produced through the National Council for Population and Development in Kenya, documents the PHE programming in the country, specifically the work happening in Homabay, Nakuru, and Kilfi counties. […]
Why Population Matters
This report focuses on how population impacts many aspects of our lives, including issues as diverse as poverty, health, education, water, and forests.
Vulnerability and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Current Research and Needs for Population Information
This paper addresses four related topics: (1) varying definitions of vulnerability and resilience (and, to a lesser extent, adaptive capacity) and the implications of those differences for societal analysis, (2) candidate approaches to characterizing societal resilience to climate change, (3) methods for assessing resilience, and (4) the potential contribution of a richer understanding of affected populations to the study of resilience.
The Interaction of Human Population, Food Production, and Biodiversity Protection
An important approach to sustaining biodiversity and human well-being is through actions that can slow and eventually reverse population growth: investing in universal access to reproductive health services and contraceptive technologies, advancing women’s education, and achieving gender equality.
The Impact of Population, Health and Environment Projects: A Synthesis of the Evidence
This synthesis report examines and summarizes recent available evidence from integrated PHE projects to document what they are measuring and/or not measuring, assess the current state of PHE project monitoring and evaluation, and identify gaps in evaluation and research for current and future PHE projects to improve upon.
The 3rd National Conference on Population, Health, and Environment (PHE)
A final report on the highlights from the third National Conference on Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) was held in March 2008 Tagatay City, Philippines.
Sustainable Development in East Africa: Lessons From Four Population, Health, and Environment Projects
This publication features insights from four ongoing PHE projects in East Africa—two led by Pathfinder International and two by Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)—and provides recommendations for those seeking to refine the PHE development framework.
South-South Exchange on Integrated Population-Health-Environment (PHE) for Executives of Government and NGOs
A report on the USAID-funded BALANCED Project-sponsored South-to-South learning opportunity for government and non-governmental officials to observe how local stakeholders in the Philippines implement integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE) approaches.