Weathering Change: Stories About Climate and Family From Women Around the World
This film spotlights stories in Ethiopia, Nepal and Peru of women as they struggle to care for their families, while enduring crop failures and water scarcity.
HOPE-LVB Gender Equality: At the Center of Health, Rights, and Sustainability
The Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project works to promote gender equality by implementing a range of activities, including training women’s and young mother’s groups on integrated health and conservation practices and conducting community dialogue sessions surrounding the intersection between gender, sexual and reproductive health, and the environment to bridge gender divides and encourage input and support from all community members.
Global Warming and Reproductive Health
The combination of global warming and rapid population growth in the Sahel and parts of the Middle East poses a serious threat to reproductive health and to food security. This article outlines three strategies that can be implemented to improve women’s health and reproductive rights in high‐fertility, low‐resource settings.
Family Planning and the Samburu: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Thoughts of Men on a Population Health and Environment Programme in Rural Kenya
This study investigates men’s views on a PHE family planning (FP) programme delivered among the pastoral Samburu tribe in rural northern Kenya.
Ecohealth Midterm Evaluation
As part of a project to restore Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, an Ecohealth program was incorporated to address health problems contributing to poverty. In 2012, a midterm evaluation was commissioned by USAID to assess the extent to which Ecohealth was reaching its objectives in providing an integrated (PHE) package of services, including family planning/reproductive health and maternal and child health interventions, and to identify “best practices” for replication and sharing with other integrated efforts worldwide.
Climate Change and the Potential Effects on Maternal and Pregnancy Outcomes: An Assessment of the Most Vulnerable the Mother, Fetus, and Newborn Child
This article demonstrates that climate change will increase the risk of infant and maternal mortality, birth complications, and poorer reproductive health, especially in tropical, developing countries, with substantial impacts on the health and survival of the next generation of these populations.
Benefits of Wildlife Consumption to Child Nutrition in a Biodiversity Hotspot
This paper looks at a cohort of 77 preadolescent children (under 12 years of age) in rural northeastern Madagascar and shows that consuming more wildlife was associated with significantly higher hemoglobin concentrations.
New Research Links Family Planning and Maternal and Child Health to Boosting Resilience
This fact sheet discusses the findings of a study that aimed to determine the factors associated with resilience with the goal of understanding how to build resilience among people in ecologically rich rural regions who rely on natural resources for their livelihoods.