Arquivo para: Planejamento Familiar

This paper analyzes the first 40 National Adaptation Programmes of Action reports submitted by governments of least-developed countries to the Global Environment Facility for funding. Of these documents, 93% identified at least one of three ways in which demographic trends interact with the effects of climate change: (i) faster degradation of the sources of natural resources; (ii) increased demand for scarce resources; and (iii) heightened human vulnerability to extreme weather events. These findings suggest that voluntary access to family planning services should be made more available to poor communities in least-developed countries. The article stresses the distinction between this approach, which prioritizes the welfare of poor communities affected by climate change, versus the argument that population growth should be slowed to limit increases in global carbon emissions. The paper concludes by calling for increased support for rights-based family planning services, including those integrated with HIV/AIDS services, as an important complementary measure to climate change adaptation programmes in developing countries.

Ano: 2009

Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization

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Tanto o setor de planejamento familiar quanto o setor ambiental estarão interessados nesta sinopse dos resultados de um estudo dos primeiros quatro anos do projeto integrado de população, saúde e meio ambiente (PHE) Tuungane na Tanzânia. As análises dos dados quantitativos da linha de base de 2011 e da linha média de 2016, e dados qualitativos adicionais de 2016, mediram o progresso do projeto e lançaram luz sobre a contribuição das intervenções do projeto para a construção da resiliência e sobre as ligações entre o planejamento familiar e outros componentes da resiliência. Esta sinopse se concentra em vários indicadores-chave de resiliência relacionados à população, planejamento familiar e saúde reprodutiva.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: The Evidence Project

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Este recurso de treinamento foi produzido pelo Green Belt Movement (GBM) e FHI 360 como parte do Projeto Programa de Pesquisa para Fortalecimento de Serviços (PROGRESS) apoiado pela USAID no Quênia. GBM e FHI 360 desenvolveram este manual de treinamento para preparar Voluntários Verdes para implementar atividades que vinculem população, saúde e meio ambiente. O manual foi revisado com base no feedback dos treinamentos do projeto piloto e nos resultados da pesquisa. O manual de treinamento pode ser usado para orientar um treinamento que apresenta os Voluntários Verdes ao PHE e ao planejamento familiar, abrange o tempo e o espaçamento saudável das gestações, oferece oportunidades de desenvolvimento de habilidades, demonstra como usar o flip-book do PHE e revisa os requisitos básicos de relatórios para o projeto. O manual de treinamento, que está escrito em inglês, inclui apostilas dos participantes em inglês e suaíli, formulários de relatório e um formulário de avaliação pós-treinamento.

Ano 2013

Fonte: Movimento Cinturão Verde | FHI 360

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Slowing the rapid growth of human population through strengthened voluntary family planning services would powerfully and inexpensively contribute to improvements in food security and the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. A confluence of long-term environmental and population trends is undermining world food availability and driving climate change. These trends include quickening climate changes and difficulty adapting to its effects; widespread depletion of water, soils and fisheries; increased diversion of grains from human consumption to bio-fuel production and livestock and poultry feed; rapid population growth, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia; and increasing affluence in middle income countries.

Ano: 2015

Source: Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health

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O Plano Nacional de Aceleração do Planejamento Familiar 2017–2020 de Burkina Faso é um plano estratégico de implementação orçado desenvolvido com suporte técnico da HP+ com uma visão clara, objetivos estratégicos e um plano para atingir as metas nacionais de planejamento familiar. O Ministério da Saúde, com o apoio de parceiros técnicos e financeiros, desenvolveu este roteiro para acelerar os esforços em torno do planejamento familiar e aumentar a taxa de prevalência de contraceptivos modernos para 32% até 2020. Este plano visa contribuir para o declínio do crescimento populacional, melhoria da saúde materno-infantil e desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. É também uma ferramenta de mobilização de recursos e monitoramento e avaliação das atividades propostas.

Ano: 2017

Fonte: Política de Saúde Plus

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The impacts of climate change—climbing temperatures, extreme weather, drought, shifting rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels—are intensifying around the world. These impacts threaten to undo development progress in poor and vulnerable communities, where rapid population growth and unmet need for family planning contribute to limited capacity to adapt. This webinar provides an overview of the climate finance landscape and explore strategies that the family planning community can use to join with others in efforts to build resilience to climate change impacts. Speakers and participants shared views on ways to forge partnerships for multisectoral climate adaptation projects that are eligible for multilateral climate change adaptation funding. Experiences and perspectives shared may also be useful for other organizations seeking to access this type of climate adaptation funding.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Gabinete de Referência da População

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A growing evidence base links women’s met needs for family planning with reduced human vulnerability to climate change and enhanced resilience in the face of climate change impacts. Yet, thus far, population and family planning have been largely left out of adaptation proposals and projects. The PRB policy brief identifies four key strategies the FP/RH community can use to promote inclusion of family planning in adaptation strategies in ways that build resilience, improve health, and enhance women’s economic empowerment. The policy brief includes an example of how to apply these key strategies to a real-world adaptation initiative, showing how the FP/RH community could seize opportunities created by the importance of adapting to climate change and the growing availability of international climate financing to strengthen prospects for FP/RH’s inclusion in multisectoral adaptation plans.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Gabinete de Referência da População

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The purpose of this paper is to assess the costs and benefits of targets for population and demography. The authors show that, for high fertility countries, providing universal access to sexual and reproductive health rights and meeting unmet need for contraception are phenomenal targets for the post-2015 agenda. For developed countries with ageing populations, a good strategy is to encourage people to retire later. Furthermore, instead of attempting to increase fertility organically, it is better to expand migration to rejuvenate an ageing population.

Ano: 2014

Source: Copenhagen Consensus Center

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The assessment reviews the results of in-country USAID PHE projects, especially on increasing access to quality family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) products and services; determines USAID and the office of Population and Reproductive Health’s (PRH) role in providing technical leadership; identifies barriers and challenges facing the portfolio; and makes suggestions for USAID‘s follow-on strategy for PHE. Among the findings: PHE program results clearly make some contributions to the overall objectives. PHE programs may be particularly useful in facilitating partnership building and leveraging funds from non-USAID sources and may be avenues to learning how best to provide family planning to youth and males. The assessment identifies principal barriers related to inadequate funding, which in turn is linked to the complexity of integrated efforts; the limited evidence base for the integrated PHE program model; and the growing but still limited capacity to implement PHE field programs.

Ano: 2007

Source: Global Health Technical Assistance Project

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The USAID-funded Advancing Partners & Communities Project received funding for population, health, and environment (PHE) approaches in East Africa. The Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) received an 18-month grant to pilot community PHE approaches in fragile ecosystems with at-risk populations in the Lake Victoria Basin region of Western Kenya. The NRHS team was tasked with creating a sustainable PHE model that integrates all PHE components—population (community-based family planning); health (linkages with the Kenyan health system); environment (conservation of fragile ecosystems, reforestation, beach management, etc.); and significant livelihoods components. This document details challenges, lessons learned and other takeaways regarding the sustainability of the activities.

Ano: 2016

Source: Advancing Partners & Communities Project

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