• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

14 de abril de 2021

Por que a população importa

This report focuses on how population impacts many aspects of our lives, including issues as diverse as poverty, health, education, water, and forests.

13 de abril de 2021

A Interação da População Humana, Produção de Alimentos e Proteção da Biodiversidade

An important approach to sustaining biodiversity and human well-being is through actions that can slow and eventually reverse population growth: investing in universal access to reproductive health services and contraceptive technologies, advancing women’s education, and achieving gender equality.

9 de abril de 2021

Análise Situacional da População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Área do Parque Nacional Saandani, Tanzânia

This study provides a snapshot of the population, health, and environment situation and practices in the villages surrounding the Saadani National Park (SANAPA) and demonstrates the utility of a transdisciplinary systems perspective to evaluate population–health–environment linkages (PHE).

8 de abril de 2021

População e Segurança Alimentar: Desafios da África

This policy brief examines trends in population growth, fertility, and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa and makes the case that investments in women and family planning are necessary to fulfill future food needs.

5 de abril de 2021

Modelando Mudanças Climáticas, Segurança Alimentar e População: Teste Piloto do Modelo na Etiópia

This document describes a computer simulation model that can clarify the dynamic relationships between climate change, food security, and population growth.

2 de abril de 2021

Integrando Planejamento Familiar e Segurança Alimentar: Lições da Comunidade População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente (PHE)

A webinar conducted by the FANTA Project to discuss why it is important to link family planning and food security, how family planning contributes to building resilience and promoting climate-compatible development, and how lessons and experiences from multisectoral population, health, and environment programs can be applied to food security programs.

Melhorar o acesso ao planejamento familiar pode promover a segurança alimentar em um clima em mudança

New research in Ethiopia demonstrates that slower population growth, achievable by addressing women’s existing needs for family planning, can also play a significant role in promoting future food security in a climate-altered world.

30 de março de 2021

Série de filmes Pessoas Saudáveis, Ambiente Saudável

The “Healthy People, Healthy environment” film series transports viewers to Tanzania, Nepal, and Ethiopia to explore an innovative approach to international development called PHE.

24 de março de 2021

Integração do Planejamento Familiar com a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional

This brief summarizes the findings from a desk review conducted by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) to take stock of and better understand how food security and nutrition programs are integrating family planning.

Explorando as ligações intersetoriais entre população, saúde, meio ambiente, nutrição e segurança alimentar: uma revisão das melhores práticas e lições aprendidas

This comprehensive literature review documents best practices for integrating nutrition and food security interventions into existing Population, Health and Environment (PHE) projects and presents recommendations for incorporating cross-sector indicators.

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