• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

8 de abril de 2021

População e Segurança Alimentar: Desafios da África

This policy brief examines trends in population growth, fertility, and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa and makes the case that investments in women and family planning are necessary to fulfill future food needs.

24 de março de 2021

Integração do Planejamento Familiar com a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional

This brief summarizes the findings from a desk review conducted by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) to take stock of and better understand how food security and nutrition programs are integrating family planning.

Explorando as ligações intersetoriais entre população, saúde, meio ambiente, nutrição e segurança alimentar: uma revisão das melhores práticas e lições aprendidas

This comprehensive literature review documents best practices for integrating nutrition and food security interventions into existing Population, Health and Environment (PHE) projects and presents recommendations for incorporating cross-sector indicators.

23 de março de 2021

Revisão documental de programas que integram planejamento familiar com segurança alimentar e nutrição

This report synthesizes learnings from 102 health and multisectoral programs, including a rich set of program examples and three case studies, to illustrate the ways programs integrate family planning with nutrition and food security interventions.

11 de março de 2021

Benefícios do consumo de vida selvagem para a nutrição infantil em um hotspot de biodiversidade

This paper looks at a cohort of 77 preadolescent children (under 12 years of age) in rural northeastern Madagascar and shows that consuming more wildlife was associated with significantly higher hemoglobin concentrations.

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