Archive for: Pathfinder International

A short film by the HoPE-LVB Project, implemented by Pathfinder International. In the film, Rosalida and Evans talk openly to their daughters, Mercy and Alice, about family planning, hygiene, and the environment. They also educate fellow fishermen and women on these topics.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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The Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project is one of the largest and most scaled up integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) programs implemented in the East African region. As such, the HoPE-LVB toolkit has been developed using the lessons learned and best practices from the project in the hope that this PHE approach to sustainable development will be adopted on a wider scale not only in East Africa but in other areas of the world. The toolkit is a unique collection of resources that has been developed to promote “a complete status of well-being” of individuals and families by converging activities related to the three sectors of population, health and environment.

Ano: 2017

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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Uma brochura da Pathfinder International, PAI e Sierra Club sobre como a PHE contribui para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos.

Ano: 2015

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional | PAI | Clube da Serra

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An overview presentation of the monitoring and evaluation approach used with the Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE LVB) project, implemented by Pathfinder International in Uganda and Kenya. The project aimed to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services and improve maternal and child health care practices while reducing threats to biodiversity conservation in project communities. It also aimed to scale up the PHE model at the local, national, and regional levels through institutionalizing PHE in government development planning.

Ano: 2017

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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Um Memorando de Entendimento (MOU) foi celebrado entre a Pathfinder International e o Population Studies and Research Institute da Universidade de Nairobi para facilitar a colaboração no aprimoramento de conhecimentos e habilidades para desenvolver e implementar políticas e avaliar projetos integrados de população-saúde-ambiente ou outros projetos de desenvolvimento integrado voltado ao desenvolvimento sustentável, em Saúde Populacional e Meio Ambiente (PHE). O objetivo deste curso de formação de curta duração foi dotar os participantes de competências para desenvolver e implementar políticas e avaliar projetos integrados de população-saúde-ambiente ou outros projetos de desenvolvimento integrado direcionados ao desenvolvimento sustentável, em EPS. O relatório fornece uma visão geral da formação realizada de 23 de janeiro a 1 de fevereiro de 2017 em Kisumu, Quénia.

Ano: 2017

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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