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Este artigo de notícias no site Madagascar PHE Network resume o evento de demonstração de novembro de 2019 para revisar cinco anos de conquistas desde a criação da Rede. Mais de 100 pessoas se reuniram no Hotel Carlton Anosy em Antananarivo, Madagascar, incluindo representantes de 40 organizações de saúde e meio ambiente, além de associações locais, comunidades, ministérios, financiadores, embaixadas e mídia. Os principais resultados, experiências de implementação e lições aprendidas foram compartilhadas por meio de apresentações, estandes de exposição, pôsteres, painéis de discussão e testemunhos da comunidade.

Ano: 2019

Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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    A Rede Madagascar Population-Health-Environment (PHE) conecta, inspira e apoia profissionais, doadores e formuladores de políticas para enfrentar os desafios sociais e ambientais de Madagascar de forma holística. Este vídeo apresenta algumas reflexões de sua reunião inaugural em julho de 2014.

    Ano: 2014

    Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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      A Madagascar PHE Network é uma rede nacional de aprendizagem estabelecida em 2014 com o objetivo de reunir organizações de saúde e conservação, ministérios governamentais relevantes e financiadores para apoiar a adoção de parcerias de PHE. Este documento destaca os sucessos da Rede por meio de infográficos, destaques de histórias e citações. Apresenta também a Estratégia 2025 da Rede.

      Ano: 2020

      Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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        These PHE story cards have been designed to be used as an integrated PHE community outreach tool by community health agents and/or the community-based staff of environmental organisations. The cards can serve as a visual aid for facilitating small group storytelling and discussion sessions in both marine and terrestrial contexts, with the aim of enabling communities to express and explore their understanding of PHE linkages. It’s hoped that this tool will be effective in fostering critical thinking among community members, leading to the development of health-promoting and environmentally-friendly social norms. The cards are accompanied by a short facilitation guide, which will be elaborated as feedback is received from initial users.

        Ano: 2017

        Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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          This PHE quality charter sets out the standards (and the associated validation criteria) that lead to high quality PHE partnerships according to Madagascar PHE Network members. The purpose of this PHE quality charter is to: (1) Document the shared values and commitment to human rights of Madagascar PHE Network members; Enable quality assurance of PHE partnerships across Madagascar while the number of these PHE partnerships increases; (3) Strengthen organisational reflection / learning and peer exchange; (4) Generate recognition of the quality of the work of Madagascar PHE Network members; (5) Provide leadership to the international PHE community with regards to PHE quality standards (this is the first PHE quality charter of its kind.

          Ano: 2018

          Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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            This PHE partnerships guide has been designed to equip environmental and health organisations with the core values, skills and knowledge required to develop and implement effective cross-sector PHE partnerships. It starts with a thorough introduction to the PHE approach, followed by an organisational capacity assessment and development planning section to enable different organisations to tailor the use of the rest of the guide to their specific needs. The guide draws on the PHE implementation experiences of Blue Ventures and other members of the Madagascar PHE Network in order to provide practical advice with case study examples, structured in a conversational and accessible format.

            Ano: 2017

            Fonte: Rede PHE de Madagascar

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