Archive for: Kenya

This brief discusses the Health of People and Environment—Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE–LVB) project’s experience with advocacy in Homa Bay County, Kenya, and offers lessons for other implementers on how to lay the groundwork to sustain integrated PHE projects at the sub-national level.

Ano: 2016

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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While the importance of pursuing integrated population, health and environment (PHE) approaches and ensuring their sustainable expansion to regional and national levels have been widely affirmed in the development field, little practical experience and evidence exist about how this can be accomplished. This paper lays out the systematic approach to scale up developed by ExpandNet and subsequently illustrates its application in the Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project, which is an integrated PHE project implemented in Uganda and Kenya from 2012–2017. Results demonstrate not only the perceived relevance of pursuing integrated development approaches by stakeholders but also the fundamental value of systematically designing and implementing the project with focused attention to scale up, as well as the challenges involved in operationalizing commitment to integration among bureaucratic agencies deeply grounded in vertical departmental approaches.

Ano: 2018

Source: Social Sciences

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Os projetos de população, saúde e meio ambiente (PHE) são uma estratégia cada vez mais popular para lidar com a falta de acesso a serviços de saúde e oportunidades de subsistência em ambientes com ameaças à perda de biodiversidade. Os projetos de PHE integram serviços e mensagens de diferentes setores de desenvolvimento, incluindo saúde (particularmente planejamento familiar), conservação e meios de subsistência. No entanto, uma questão permanece: tais projetos produzem resultados de valor agregado; ou seja, efeitos sinérgicos como resultado da integração entre setores? Usando dados qualitativos para explorar resultados de valor agregado resultantes de um projeto de PHE que atende comunidades ao longo do Lago Vitória no Quênia e Uganda, este estudo explora várias teorias sobre por que esse projeto integrado pode estar gerando resultados de valor agregado, incluindo mudanças nos papéis de gênero estabelecidos, como bem como a substituição de tempo e investimento de novos rendimentos em atividades sustentáveis de subsistência, particularmente entre as mulheres. A integração levou a vários benefícios de valor agregado, principalmente para as mulheres, embora a sustentabilidade a longo prazo dos resultados do projeto continue sendo uma preocupação fundamental.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Conservação Ambiental

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This evaluation examines the evidence on the effectiveness and scalability of the Health of the People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) model of integrated population, health, and environment (PHE) community development in Kenya and Uganda. The project aimed to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services and improve maternal and child health care practices while reducing threats to biodiversity conservation in project communities. It also aimed to scale up the PHE model at the local, national, and regional levels through institutionalizing PHE in government development planning. This report suggests several ways in which enhanced coordination and resources shared among stakeholders at different scales could improve project outcomes in situ. A focus on advocacy and project development at regional and national levels is recommended for successful PHE scale-up.

Ano: 2018

Source: Global Health Program Cycle Improvement Project

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This brief summarizes the results from the internal evaluation of Phases I and II of the HoPE-LVB project, implemented from 2011-2017.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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This brief describes the strong advocacy component used by the HoPE-LVB project to ensure institutionalization and expansion of successfully tested approaches, particularly collaboration with the Lake Victoria Basin Commission as an institutional partner.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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The HoPE-LVB Project project applied the ExpandNet/World Health Organization (WHO) systematic scaling-up approach of Beginning with the End in Mind to ensure successful institutionalization and expansion of the project. This brief provides lessons to implementers and donors on how institutionalization emerged as a critical pathway towards scale-up and sustainability of integrated programming.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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A short film by the HoPE-LVB Project, implemented by Pathfinder International. In the film, Rosalida and Evans talk openly to their daughters, Mercy and Alice, about family planning, hygiene, and the environment. They also educate fellow fishermen and women on these topics.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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The Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project is one of the largest and most scaled up integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) programs implemented in the East African region. As such, the HoPE-LVB toolkit has been developed using the lessons learned and best practices from the project in the hope that this PHE approach to sustainable development will be adopted on a wider scale not only in East Africa but in other areas of the world. The toolkit is a unique collection of resources that has been developed to promote “a complete status of well-being” of individuals and families by converging activities related to the three sectors of population, health and environment.

Ano: 2017

Fonte: Pathfinder Internacional

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Este estudo de caso ilustra a relação entre população, planejamento familiar, saúde comunitária e sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais na Bacia do Lago Vitória, a maior bacia lacustre do continente africano. Ele demonstra como essas dimensões são moldadas por muitos fatores, incluindo alteração causada pelo homem no lago, acesso a serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva e degradação ambiental.

Ano: 2018

Fonte: Planetary Health Alliance

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