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12 search results for:


Desenvolvimento Sustentável na África Oriental: Lições de Quatro Projetos de População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente

Esta publicação apresenta insights de quatro projetos de ESP em curso na África Oriental — dois liderados pela Pathfinder International e dois pela Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) — e fornece recomendações para aqueles que procuram aperfeiçoar o quadro de desenvolvimento de ESP.


Ligando População, Fertilidade e Planejamento Familiar com Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas: Visões da Etiópia

Using qualitative methods, PAI, in collaboration with Miz-Hsab Research Center and the Joint Global Change Research Institute, explored how Ethiopian communities react to and cope with climate variation, which groups are the most vulnerable, what resources communities need to adapt to climate change, and the role of family planning and reproductive health in increasing resilience to climate change impacts.


Integrando Programas de População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente com Distribuição de Anticoncepcionais na Etiópia Rural: Um Estudo de Caso Qualitativo

This article examines the community-based distribution (CBD) of family planning commodities in rural Ethiopia a large, multisectoral PHE program of the Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)..


Integrando População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Etiópia

The Population Reference Bureau coordinated a comparative study of population, health, and environment (PHE) integration and cross-sectoral collaboration in East Africa. This paper highlights and explains several opportunities and entry points for pursuing a more holistic way to address the complex interactions between humans, their health, and the environment in Ethiopia.


Melhorar o acesso ao planejamento familiar pode promover a segurança alimentar em um clima em mudança

New research in Ethiopia demonstrates that slower population growth, achievable by addressing women’s existing needs for family planning, can also play a significant role in promoting future food security in a climate-altered world.


Grandes Questões Merecem Respostas Ousadas: População e Mudanças Climáticas no Sahel

Taken together, rapid population growth and climate change pose a serious threat to the livelihood of the majority of the one hundred million people now living in the Sahel region and about two hundred million more who will live there in a generation’s time. This paper encourages working across silos to address these interrelated challenges.