Archive for: Report

This evaluation examines the evidence on the effectiveness and scalability of the Health of the People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) model of integrated population, health, and environment (PHE) community development in Kenya and Uganda. The project aimed to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services and improve maternal and child health care practices while reducing threats to biodiversity conservation in project communities. It also aimed to scale up the PHE model at the local, national, and regional levels through institutionalizing PHE in government development planning. This report suggests several ways in which enhanced coordination and resources shared among stakeholders at different scales could improve project outcomes in situ. A focus on advocacy and project development at regional and national levels is recommended for successful PHE scale-up.

Année : 2018

Source: Global Health Program Cycle Improvement Project

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A research report by Population Reference Bureau (PRB), in collaboration with partners from the Tuungane Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project, that analyzes data from Tuungane’s baseline survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among village residents regarding family planning (FP), conservation, and potential linkages.

Année : 2016

Source : Bureau de référence démographique

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Ce document de travail de l'Evidence Project synthétise les recherches disponibles issues de la dernière génération de projets sur la population, la santé et l'environnement (PHE), fournissant un compte rendu détaillé des avantages des projets intégrés et des lacunes dans la base de données probantes.

Année : 2015

Source : Bureau de référence démographique

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A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was entered into between Pathfinder International and Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi to facilitate collaboration in enhancing knowledge and skills to develop and implement policies and evaluate integrated population-health-environment projects or other integrated development projects aimed at sustainable development, in Population Health and Environment (PHE). The goal of this short course training was to equip participants with skills to develop and implement policies and evaluate integrated population-health-environment projects or other integrated development projects aimed at sustainable development, in PHE. The report provides an overview of the training held January 23–February 1, 2017 in Kisumu, Kenya.

Année : 2017

Source : Pathfinder International

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Le Cheetah Conservation Fund rejoint le Population & Sustainability Network et Margaret Pyke Trust pour partager pourquoi et comment le Cheetah Conservation Fund promeut la santé et les droits reproductifs humains dans le cadre de sa recherche et de sa conservation des guépards de renommée mondiale.

Année : 2018

Source : Alliance du millénaire pour l'humanité et la biosphère (MAHB)

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Un document résumant pourquoi la suppression des obstacles à la planification familiale est essentiel pour la santé et l'autonomisation des femmes et des filles, et la conservation durable de l'environnement.

Année : 2019

Source : Fiducie Margaret Pyke | Réseau Population & Durabilité

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The Madagascar PHE Network is a national learning network established in 2014 with the purpose of bringing together health and conservation organisations, relevant government ministries and funders to support the uptake of PHE partnerships. This document highlights the Network’s successes through infographics, story spotlights, and quotations. It also presents the Network’s 2025 Strategy.

Année : 2020

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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