Archivo para: Oficina de Referencia de Población

The impacts of climate change—climbing temperatures, extreme weather, drought, shifting rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels—are intensifying around the world. These impacts threaten to undo development progress in poor and vulnerable communities, where rapid population growth and unmet need for family planning contribute to limited capacity to adapt. This webinar provides an overview of the climate finance landscape and explore strategies that the family planning community can use to join with others in efforts to build resilience to climate change impacts. Speakers and participants shared views on ways to forge partnerships for multisectoral climate adaptation projects that are eligible for multilateral climate change adaptation funding. Experiences and perspectives shared may also be useful for other organizations seeking to access this type of climate adaptation funding.

Año: 2018

Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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    A growing evidence base links women’s met needs for family planning with reduced human vulnerability to climate change and enhanced resilience in the face of climate change impacts. Yet, thus far, population and family planning have been largely left out of adaptation proposals and projects. The PRB policy brief identifies four key strategies the FP/RH community can use to promote inclusion of family planning in adaptation strategies in ways that build resilience, improve health, and enhance women’s economic empowerment. The policy brief includes an example of how to apply these key strategies to a real-world adaptation initiative, showing how the FP/RH community could seize opportunities created by the importance of adapting to climate change and the growing availability of international climate financing to strengthen prospects for FP/RH’s inclusion in multisectoral adaptation plans.

    Año: 2018

    Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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      La sostenibilidad de los programas de desarrollo es una preocupación importante para muchas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) involucradas en el diseño e implementación de programas. Este estudio de caso cuenta cómo la oficina de país de Save the Children US en Filipinas, una ONG de desarrollo, estableció una asociación exitosa con las unidades del gobierno local del municipio de Concepción para garantizar que la programación integrada de población, salud y medio ambiente (PHE, por sus siglas en inglés) se incorporaría y sostenida dentro de las actividades del gobierno local después de que terminó la participación de Save the Children en el municipio.

      Año: 2006

      Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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        The 2013 International Population, Health, and Environment Conference, organized by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the PHE Ethiopia Consortium, convened over two days in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia around the theme “Healthy Families, Healthy Environments.” The PHE Conference brought together over 150 PHE implementers and advocates representing 20 different countries from sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, and North America.

        Practitioners, donors, policymakers, journalists, and potential partners had the chance to learn about recent accomplishments and pressing issues during roundtable discussions, plenary sessions, and an evening reception. Roundtable discussions provided a space to discuss experiences and challenges and chart paths forward in areas critical to the advancement of the field. The discussion themes included: “Best Practices in Implementation,” “Monitoring and Evaluation,” “Expanding and Institutionalizing PHE Interventions,” and “Advocacy and Communications/Networks.”

        Año 2014

        Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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          This ENGAGE presentation highlights many of Kenya’s development successes, including the national climate change strategy and national population policy. Breaking down complex concepts and using nontechnical language, the presentation shows the connections between people’s access to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) information and services, their health, and their reliance on natural resources. The presentation connects the impacts of FP/RH access for households, communities, and the country, drawing on examples of successful PHE efforts in Kenya. Stakeholders from diverse sectors within Kenya can use this resource to promote a policy dialogue about the critical role of population dynamics with health and the environment, and the ways that investments in FP/RH can propel progress towards Kenya’s many development goals.

          Available in English and Kiswahili.

          Año: 2017

          Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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            The Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project uses an integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) approach with island and coastal communities in Kenya and Uganda. The project, managed by Pathfinder International and local partners, works to ensure that community members can access voluntary family planning and reproductive health services while also managing their natural resources in a way that safeguards their future. This video highlights the project and its activities – including how they aligned their program design with several of the High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning such as Community Health Workers, Community Group Engagement, and Policy. The video includes beautiful photography and footage of the Lake Victoria Basin region and has excerpts of community members describing the HIPs being used in the project.

            Año: 2018

            Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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              Una nueva investigación indica que la planificación familiar voluntaria y el uso de instalaciones de salud maternoinfantil se asocian positivamente con la resiliencia. La resiliencia tiene una variedad de definiciones y opera en diferentes escalas. Por lo general, se entiende como la capacidad de una persona, un hogar, una comunidad o un sistema para hacer frente a las perturbaciones respondiendo de manera que mantengan sus funciones esenciales al tiempo que amplían su capacidad de adaptación al cambio. Esta hoja informativa analiza los hallazgos de un estudio que tuvo como objetivo determinar los factores asociados con la resiliencia con el objetivo de comprender cómo desarrollar la resiliencia entre las personas en regiones rurales ecológicamente ricas que dependen de los recursos naturales para su sustento. La investigación proporciona evidencia cuantitativa y cualitativa de que la asociación entre la planificación familiar voluntaria y la salud y la resiliencia maternoinfantil es sólida en una variedad de factores y está ampliamente relacionada con la construcción de la resiliencia.

              Año: 2019

              Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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                The ENGAGE presentation, “HoPE-LVB,” aims to improve individuals’ understanding of the HoPE-LVB project (Health of People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin) and the population, health, and environment (PHE) approach. This process includes mobilizing political commitment and resources to strengthen this and other PHE projects. The presentation is designed to promote policy dialogue on the relationship between population, health, and environment; and the challenges faced by communities in the Lake Victoria Basin. Target policy audiences include government policymakers, civic and religious leaders, health and environment sector leaders, program officials, advocates, journalists, and others.

                Año 2013

                Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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                  This policy brief and web feature describe how PHE projects contribute to youth development. Youth are defined in these products as young people between the ages of 10 and 29. The brief and web feature illustrate how youth leadership and inclusion within integrated approaches contribute to sectoral outcomes, and the web feature includes two case studies and videos that explore these outcomes. Finally, the products provide recommendations for policymakers, advocates, and organizations interested in youth and PHE to improve project design, foster youth development, and invest in monitoring and evaluating the benefits of PHE integration for youth.

                  Año: 2018

                  Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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                    Los expertos en el sector de la planificación familiar han desarrollado un conjunto de prácticas basadas en evidencia, conocidas como Prácticas de alto impacto de planificación familiar (HIP), que mejoran los resultados de los programas de planificación familiar y salud reproductiva. Los HIP también se pueden aplicar en programas de desarrollo que integran múltiples sectores a nivel comunitario, incluida la planificación familiar. Este resumen de políticas explora la oportunidad prometedora que existe para expandir el uso de HIP dentro de los proyectos de población, salud y medio ambiente (PHE).

                    Año: 2019

                    Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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