• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

marzo 13, 2024

Informe final del estudio: Ampliación de la SDSR/PF para la adaptación y resiliencia al clima en Uganda

Este informe de estudio explora el estudio de preparación para avanzar y ampliar los derechos de salud sexual reproductiva y la planificación familiar para la adaptación y la resiliencia climática en Uganda. El estudio tuvo como objetivo […]

noviembre 3, 2022

Sitio web interactivo sobre cambio climático y salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos (SDSR)

Climate resilience and gender equality are inextricably linked, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are an essential element of gender equality. How can we ensure that climate action […]

Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos (SDSR) en los procesos del Plan Nacional de Adaptación (PAN): Explorando un camino para la realización de los derechos y la resiliencia al cambio climático

Governments around the world are advancing their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes in an effort to build resilience to the negative impacts of climate change. With increased attention to gender […]

Promoción de la salud y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos para la adaptación y resiliencia climáticas

Climate change disproportionately threatens the most vulnerable girls and women, in all their intersecting identities, and has detrimental effects on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This infographic highlights […]

noviembre 5, 2021

Construir hacia adelante mejor: promover la SDSR para la adaptación y la resiliencia climáticas

Discussions around climate change and sexual and reproductive health rarely occur in the same spaces, despite ever growing evidence showing that they should. Climate change threatens human health and rights—and […]

Educación de las niñas y planificación familiar: componentes esenciales de la adaptación y resiliencia climática

Today, both universal education and sexual and reproductive health and rights are severely underfunded, particularly for women and girls in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). Dedicating climate adaptation financing […]

abril 14, 2021

Vulnerabilidad y resiliencia frente al cambio climático: investigación actual y necesidades de información sobre población

This paper addresses four related topics: (1) varying definitions of vulnerability and resilience (and, to a lesser extent, adaptive capacity) and the implications of those differences for societal analysis, (2) candidate approaches to characterizing societal resilience to climate change, (3) methods for assessing resilience, and (4) the potential contribution of a richer understanding of affected populations to the study of resilience.

El papel de las iniciativas comunitarias de conservación y desarrollo costero en la creación de resiliencia socioecológica frente al cambio climático: experiencias del sur de Madagascar

This article examines a PHE program in Madagascar, and illustrates how practical initiatives can contribute to building immediate and long-lasting resilience and adaptive capacity.

abril 13, 2021

Salvaguardar la salud humana en la época del Antropoceno: Informe de la Fundación Rockefeller-Comisión Lancet sobre Salud Planetaria

This Commission identifies three categories of challenges that must be addressed to maintain and enhance human health in the face of increasingly harmful environmental trends, and identifies opportunities for action to reduce environmental damage by six key constituencies: health professionals, research funders and the academic community, the UN and Bretton Woods bodies, governments, investors and corporate reporting bodies, and civil society organisations

Resiliencia, Desarrollo Integrado y Planificación Familiar: Construyendo Soluciones a Largo Plazo

This article examines resilience; summarises approaches to resilience developed by the Rockefeller and Packard Foundations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, USAID and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID); and describes successful examples of how family planning has been integrated into current environment and development programmes.