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A Interação da População Humana, Produção de Alimentos e Proteção da Biodiversidade

An important approach to sustaining biodiversity and human well-being is through actions that can slow and eventually reverse population growth: investing in universal access to reproductive health services and contraceptive technologies, advancing women’s education, and achieving gender equality.


Gestão de recursos e fertilidade na reserva da biosfera de Sian Ka'an, no México: Campos, dinheiro e contracepção na vila de pescadores de lagosta de Punta Allen

This case study examines the link between marine resource management and the contraceptive use among married couples in the lobster-fishing village of Punta Allen, located in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico.


Resiliência, Desenvolvimento Integrado e Planejamento Familiar: Construindo Soluções de Longo Prazo

This article examines resilience; summarises approaches to resilience developed by the Rockefeller and Packard Foundations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, USAID and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID); and describes successful examples of how family planning has been integrated into current environment and development programmes.


Prestação de serviços de planejamento familiar para comunidades remotas em áreas de alta biodiversidade por meio de um programa de saúde populacional e meio ambiente em Madagascar

Este artigo mostra como o desenho do programa PHE tem sido utilizado pela Blue Ventures para fornecer serviços de planeamento familiar numa região costeira remota e biodiversa no sudoeste de Madagáscar.


Pobreza e Biodiversidade: Medindo a Sobreposição de Pobreza Humana e Pontos de Biodiversidade

This paper presents five key socioeconomic poverty indicators (access to water, undernourishment, potential population pressure, number living below poverty line and debt service) and integrates them with an ecologically based hotspots analysis in order to illustrate the magnitude of the overlap between biological conservation and poverty.


População, Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva, Direitos e Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Forjando uma Agenda Comum

This article suggests that sexual and reproductive health and rights activists seeking to influence the post-2015 international development paradigm must work with sustainable development advocates concerned with a range of issues, including climate change, environmental issues, and food and water security, and that a way of building bridges with these communities is to demonstrate how sexual and reproductive health and rights are relevant for these issues.


Análise Situacional da População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Área do Parque Nacional Saandani, Tanzânia

This study provides a snapshot of the population, health, and environment situation and practices in the villages surrounding the Saadani National Park (SANAPA) and demonstrates the utility of a transdisciplinary systems perspective to evaluate population–health–environment linkages (PHE).