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População e Saúde Reprodutiva nos Programas Nacionais de Ação de Adaptação (NAPAs) para Mudanças Climáticas

PAI’s Population and Climate Change Program produced this working paper which reviews 41 National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) for Climate Change submitted by least developed countries (LDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as of May 2009.


Fazendo a conexão: Dinâmica populacional e desenvolvimento compatível com o clima

With support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Population Reference Bureau and Worldwatch Institute assembled a working group of experts from the climate change, family planning, and development assistance communities to examine the complex relationships between population dynamics and climate compatible development. This factsheet summarizes the group’s recommendations.


Ligando População, Fertilidade e Planejamento Familiar com Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas: Visões da Etiópia

Using qualitative methods, PAI, in collaboration with Miz-Hsab Research Center and the Joint Global Change Research Institute, explored how Ethiopian communities react to and cope with climate variation, which groups are the most vulnerable, what resources communities need to adapt to climate change, and the role of family planning and reproductive health in increasing resilience to climate change impacts.


Melhorar o acesso ao planejamento familiar pode promover a segurança alimentar em um clima em mudança

New research in Ethiopia demonstrates that slower population growth, achievable by addressing women’s existing needs for family planning, can also play a significant role in promoting future food security in a climate-altered world.