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14 search results for:


Campanha Prosperando Juntos

Thriving Together é um movimento diversificado de mais de 160 organizações que trabalham em 170 países, todas as quais apoiam a declaração Thriving Together, no centro da qual está um acordo de que a remoção de barreiras ao planeamento familiar é extremamente importante não só para mulheres e raparigas, mas também para a conservação ambiental e a biodiversidade.


A Interação da População Humana, Produção de Alimentos e Proteção da Biodiversidade

An important approach to sustaining biodiversity and human well-being is through actions that can slow and eventually reverse population growth: investing in universal access to reproductive health services and contraceptive technologies, advancing women’s education, and achieving gender equality.


Salvaguardando a saúde humana na época do Antropoceno: Relatório da Fundação Rockefeller – Comissão Lancet sobre Saúde Planetária

This Commission identifies three categories of challenges that must be addressed to maintain and enhance human health in the face of increasingly harmful environmental trends, and identifies opportunities for action to reduce environmental damage by six key constituencies: health professionals, research funders and the academic community, the UN and Bretton Woods bodies, governments, investors and corporate reporting bodies, and civil society organisations


Revisão dos Programas População-Saúde-Ambiente Apoiados pela Packard Foundation e USAID

This report to USAID provides an assessment of the success of the Packard and USAID-funded population-environment field projects with a particular focus on six USAID-funded projects in the Philippines and Madagascar, three of which are co-funded with Packard.


Pobreza e Biodiversidade: Medindo a Sobreposição de Pobreza Humana e Pontos de Biodiversidade

This paper presents five key socioeconomic poverty indicators (access to water, undernourishment, potential population pressure, number living below poverty line and debt service) and integrates them with an ecologically based hotspots analysis in order to illustrate the magnitude of the overlap between biological conservation and poverty.