• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

14 de abril de 2021

O Caminho da População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente (PHE) para a Melhoria dos Meios de Subsistência: Lições e Melhores Práticas do Nepal

This report describes the accomplishments and lessons learned by the Environmental Health Project (CDM) as part of the design and implementation of a pilot project to address community health and conservation issues, as requested by USAID/Nepal.

13 de abril de 2021

Resumo da Pesquisa: Avaliando os Benefícios da Integração de Planejamento Familiar e Atividades de Gestão Ambiental – Lições Aprendidas nas Filipinas

This brief summarizes a study conducted in the Philippines by Pollnac and Dacanay in 2011, which assessed the benefits of the Integrated Population and Coastal Resource Management (IPOPCORM) project, an integrated population and environment (PE) project implemented by PATH Foundation Philippines Inc.(PFPI) in the Visayan region of the Philippines.

9 de abril de 2021

População, saúde, meio ambiente: o que funciona e por que

This report was commissioned to address the question of what works and what doesn’t work to make PHE programs successful – the most successful being those with the potential for scale or expansion.

8 de abril de 2021

Vozes de PHE: Histórias de campeões de PHE, famílias modelo e formuladores de políticas na bacia do Lago Vitória da Comunidade da África Oriental

These stories and photos are from policy makers and champions of an integrated approach to development known as Population, Health, and Environment (PHE), which focuses on the interconnectedness between human health and environmental health.

5 de abril de 2021

Implementação de campo de PHE: um guia/compêndio simples de recursos de PHE para profissionais

The Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development (BALANCED) Project developed this publication to provide field-based practitioners of PHE projects with a comprehensive set of ideas and resources for project implementation, from project design to evaluation.

2 de abril de 2021

Projetos Integrando População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente (PHE): Um Manual de Programação

This highly detailed program design manual begins by describing the evolution of PHE integrated projects, and why they remain relevant. It then lays out critical steps for designing and implementing a PHE project.

25 de março de 2021

Gênero e Resiliência: Da Teoria à Prática

This paper synthesizes four case studies from Uganda, Myanmar, Sudan/Chad, and Burkina Faso, documenting strategies towards building gender equality through resilience projects.

23 de março de 2021

Desenvolvendo Comunicações de Mudança de Comportamento para Projetos de População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente: Um Guia do Facilitador

This Guide was designed for facilitators/trainers who work with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) implementing population, health and environment (PHE) activities to develop a behavior change communication (BCC) intervention that supports the achievement of the PHE project’s goals and objectives.

Projetando e Implementando Abordagens Integradas à População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente (PHE): Materiais de Treinamento

USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health supported the creation of a set of training materials for developing the capacity of field practitioners to design, implement and monitor integrated approaches to Population-Health-Environment (PHE).

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