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Fortalecimento da resiliência em saúde por meio de programas multissetoriais de população, saúde e meio ambiente na Tanzânia

A Resiliência Integrada em Saúde MOMENTUM está a implementar uma abordagem integrada e multissectorial de população, saúde e ambiente (PHE) para enfrentar desafios complexos e interligados na Tanzânia, reforçando ao mesmo tempo a resiliência em saúde. Três abordagens específicas em [...]


Desenvolvimento Sustentável na África Oriental: Lições de Quatro Projetos de População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente

This publication features insights from four ongoing PHE projects in East Africa—two led by Pathfinder International and two by Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)—and provides recommendations for those seeking to refine the PHE development framework.


Ampliação das Empresas Florestais Comunitárias na Tanzânia

We present three emerging sustainable community forest enterprises that have delivered important social, economic and conservation benefits, and explore options for scaling up these approaches across Tanzania and elsewhere.


Revisão dos Programas População-Saúde-Ambiente Apoiados pela Packard Foundation e USAID

This report to USAID provides an assessment of the success of the Packard and USAID-funded population-environment field projects with a particular focus on six USAID-funded projects in the Philippines and Madagascar, three of which are co-funded with Packard.


Análise Situacional da População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Área do Parque Nacional Saandani, Tanzânia

This study provides a snapshot of the population, health, and environment situation and practices in the villages surrounding the Saadani National Park (SANAPA) and demonstrates the utility of a transdisciplinary systems perspective to evaluate population–health–environment linkages (PHE).


Integrando População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Tanzânia

This policy brief is based on an assessment of Tanzania PHE integration and collaboration that included a review of relevant policies, laws, and project documents; key informant interviews; and field visits to case study sites.


Famílias Saudáveis, Florestas Saudáveis, Roteiro para a Integração da População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente na Tanzânia: Proceedings from a June 2005 Workshop

This document reports on the outcomes of first PHE workshop, jointly hosted by EngenderHealth/ACQUIRE Project and JGI/TACARE Project, for Tanzania and other East African countries held in June 2005 in Kigoma.


Modelo de Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Planejamento Familiar (FP-SDGs)

The FP-SDGs Model is an evidence-based advocacy tool that projects medium- and long-term effects of three different family planning scenarios, capturing the significant impact that contraceptive use has on SDG achievement.