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41 résultats de recherche pour :


Politique sur le réchauffement climatique : la population est-elle laissée pour compte ?

The authors suggest that four misperceptions by many in the climate change community play a substantial role in neglect of the topic of the relationship between population dynamics and risks from global warming, and propose remedies for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as it prepares for the sixth cycle of its multiyear assessment process.


Réchauffement climatique et santé reproductive

The combination of global warming and rapid population growth in the Sahel and parts of the Middle East poses a serious threat to reproductive health and to food security. This article outlines three strategies that can be implemented to improve women’s health and reproductive rights in high‐fertility, low‐resource settings.


La planification familiale en tant que contributeur à la durabilité environnementale : peser les preuves

The purpose of this review is to highlight recent evidence that family planning, readily accessible to all who seek it and exercised as a human right, can contribute to environmental sustainability.


La planification familiale et le Samburu : une étude qualitative explorant les réflexions des hommes sur un programme de santé de la population et de l'environnement dans les zones rurales du Kenya

This study investigates men’s views on a PHE family planning (FP) programme delivered among the pastoral Samburu tribe in rural northern Kenya.


Emerging Threats to Human Health from Global Environmental Change: Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Large-scale anthropogenic changes to the natural environment, including land-use change, climate change, and the deterioration of ecosystem services, are all accelerating. These changes are interacting to generate five major emerging […]


Changement climatique et effets potentiels sur les résultats de la mère et de la grossesse : une évaluation des plus vulnérables, la mère, le fœtus et le nouveau-né

This article demonstrates that climate change will increase the risk of infant and maternal mortality, birth complications, and poorer reproductive health, especially in tropical, developing countries, with substantial impacts on the health and survival of the next generation of these populations.