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5 résultats de recherche pour :


Développement des entreprises forestières communautaires en Tanzanie

We present three emerging sustainable community forest enterprises that have delivered important social, economic and conservation benefits, and explore options for scaling up these approaches across Tanzania and elsewhere.


Opportunités en matière de population et de santé pour les groupes d'utilisateurs de la forêt communautaire au Népal

A report that builds off evaluation findings of gaps, opportunities, lessons, and practices specific to the PHE approach in the Nepal SAGUN PHE project and focuses on PHE recommendations for Nepal moving forward.


Lier la population, la santé et l'environnement : un aperçu des programmes intégrés et une étude de cas au Népal

This review describes the general structure of PHE programs and provides examples to highlight various aspects of this approach. It focuses on a case study from the Integrating Population and Health into Forestry Management Agendas program in Nepal that addressed deforestation from fuel-wood harvesting, indoor air pollution from wood fires, acute respiratory infections related to smoke inhalation, as well as family planning in communities in Nepal’s densely populated forest corridors.