Archive for: COVID-19

This app offered by the Ghana Health Service seeks to promote a healthy life for adolescents and to create awareness among the youth. Users can chat with a counsellor from their smartphone or tablet; learn about local events; locate adolescent and youth friendly facilities; and read FAQs about health topics.

Année : 2021

Source: Ghana Health Service

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A national webinar conducted by Madagascar PHE Network, including presentations from the following organizations: Ny Tanintsika, Blue Ventures, and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Année : 2020

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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Already reviewed by the Ministry of Public Health and currently in pilot mode, the posters will soon be available in several Malagasy dialects including Betsimisaraka, Vezo, Sakalava-Vezo, Sakalava-Antakarana, Betsileo and Tanala. They show what communities should do to protect themselves and others from this coronavirus, with more illustrations than text to optimise everyone’s understanding. The messages align with those already promoted by the World Health Organization in Madagascar, and complement existing government tools that have been designed for use in higher literacy urban settings.

Année : 2020

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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English posters

This technical guide, intended for NGO members of the Madagascar PHE Network, suggests a variety of community-based actions that can be taken according to the needs and capabilities of each organisation. Concise yet rich in content, the guide includes an overview of key information relating COVID-19 and the pandemic response strategies of the PHE network. Then it offers a selection of actions relevant to all organisations, followed by more in-depth actions and guiding principles for PHE implementers. Actions include cross-training staff to mobilise communities, supporting positive behaviour change and social norms around preventative practices, and strengthening local community structures while seeking to mitigate potential impacts on livelihoods and ecosystems. The guide concludes with an encouragement to NGO members to track all of their initiatives relating to COVID-19 so that the network can capture the value of a holistic PHE approach in responding to this pandemic and share best practices as they emerge.

Année : 2020

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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