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146 resultados de la búsqueda de:


Implementación de campo de PHE: una guía de recursos simple de PHE/Compendio para profesionales

The Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development (BALANCED) Project developed this publication to provide field-based practitioners of PHE projects with a comprehensive set of ideas and resources for project implementation, from project design to evaluation.


Reunión Consultiva Nacional sobre el Borrador de la Estrategia Regional Integrada de PHE y el Marco de Implementación de EAC (2015-2020)

Report on the Uganda National Consultative Meeting convened in April 2015 to discuss and provide country comments to inform the development of the EAC Regional Integrated PHE Strategy and Implementation Framework (2015-2020).


Vinculación de la población, la salud y el medio ambiente: una descripción general de los programas integrados y un estudio de caso en Nepal

This review describes the general structure of PHE programs and provides examples to highlight various aspects of this approach. It focuses on a case study from the Integrating Population and Health into Forestry Management Agendas program in Nepal that addressed deforestation from fuel-wood harvesting, indoor air pollution from wood fires, acute respiratory infections related to smoke inhalation, as well as family planning in communities in Nepal’s densely populated forest corridors.


Vinculación de la conservación de la biodiversidad y el agua, el saneamiento y la higiene: experiencias del África subsahariana

This paper builds the evidence base for how implementers have integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and freshwater ecosystem conservation to date in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and documents lessons learned from projects that take a more holistic approach to conservation and development.


Integración de programas de población, salud y medio ambiente con distribución de anticonceptivos en zonas rurales de Etiopía: un estudio de caso cualitativo

This article examines the community-based distribution (CBD) of family planning commodities in rural Ethiopia a large, multisectoral PHE program of the Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)..


Integración de población, salud y medio ambiente en Uganda

This policy brief is based on the Uganda PHE Assessment undertaken by an interdisciplinary team led by Pro-Biodiversity Conservationists in Kampala, Uganda, to explore in more detail population-health-environment (PHE) interactions and the opportunities for and challenges of cross-sectoral collaboration and integrated programming in Uganda.