Archivo para: Global

This working paper by the Evidence Project synthesizes the available research from the latest generation of population, health, and environment (PHE) projects, providing a detailed account of the benefits of integrated projects and gaps in the evidence base.

Año: 2015

Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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In many developing countries, extreme weather events tied to climate change are increasingly threatening people’s property, livelihoods, and lives. Policymakers seek strategies to help people build resilience to these environmental shocks, which can exacerbate crises caused by poverty and poor health. This interactive infographic, shared via the web and social media, explains the concept of resilience in simple terms, highlighting the policy interventions that help families become more resilient to a crisis. Framing resilience as the integration of health and nutrition, education, and economic stability, the infographic outlines clear policy changes that decisionmakers across sectors can implement.

Año: 2015

Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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Este mapa identifica proyectos de campo en todo el mundo relacionados con la población, la salud, el medio ambiente y/o el desarrollo, así como financiadores y organizaciones centrados en la investigación y el aprendizaje de políticas y promoción relevantes. El mapa permite a los usuarios ver lo que se está logrando en el campo de crecimiento de la población, la salud, el medio ambiente y el desarrollo, y aprender acerca de los actores clave.

Año: 2019

Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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This policy brief explores the connections between women, their access to family planning, population, and resilience, and makes the case that investments that aim to improve women’s access to rights-based voluntary family planning are critical to building resilience. This brief aims to help health, climate change, and development practitioners who focus on resilience better understand and communicate these connections in order to embrace and promote family planning as a local, national, and global development priority.

Año: 2015

Fuente: Oficina de Referencia de Población

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As part of the Short Course on PHE Programs, Scott Moreland of Palladium | MEASURE Evaluation provides an overview of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process, approaches to M&E of PHE programs, and the updated MEASURE Evaluation Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating Population-Health-Environment Programs.

Año: 2017

Fuente: Evaluación de MEDIDA

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El enfoque de Población, Salud y Medio Ambiente (PHE) para el desarrollo comunitario tiene como objetivo mejorar simultáneamente el acceso y la equidad a los servicios de atención primaria de la salud, en particular la planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva, al mismo tiempo que ayuda a las comunidades a conservar la biodiversidad, gestionar los recursos naturales y desarrollar medios de vida sostenibles. Este curso presentará a los alumnos los fundamentos del enfoque de PHE, incluidas las relaciones de PHE, los beneficios de la integración, las consideraciones del programa, el panorama de políticas y promoción de PHE, y cómo el enfoque de PHE puede contribuir a las prioridades de desarrollo global, como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación Familiar 2020 de manera eficiente y eficaz.

Año: 2016

Fuente: Centro de aprendizaje electrónico de salud global

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This advocacy and communications toolkit is aimed at national family planning advocates to enable them to engage in climate change policy discussions to further, not only family planning goals, but also contribute to climate change objectives. The advocacy toolkit is intended to provide information on advocating for family planning as a climate adaptation strategy. The communications toolkit summarizes how these advocacy arguments can be edited into key messages to share leading up to the Conference of the Parties (COP22) in November 2016.

Año: 2016

Source: International Planned Parenthood Federation

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Un documento que resume por qué es necesario eliminar las barreras a la planificación familiar fundamental para la salud y el empoderamiento de las mujeres y las niñas, y la conservación sostenible del medio ambiente.

Año: 2019

Fuente: Fundación Margaret Pyke | Red de Población y Sostenibilidad

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These PHE story cards have been designed to be used as an integrated PHE community outreach tool by community health agents and/or the community-based staff of environmental organisations. The cards can serve as a visual aid for facilitating small group storytelling and discussion sessions in both marine and terrestrial contexts, with the aim of enabling communities to express and explore their understanding of PHE linkages. It’s hoped that this tool will be effective in fostering critical thinking among community members, leading to the development of health-promoting and environmentally-friendly social norms. The cards are accompanied by a short facilitation guide, which will be elaborated as feedback is received from initial users.

Año: 2017

Fuente: Red PHE de Madagascar

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This PHE quality charter sets out the standards (and the associated validation criteria) that lead to high quality PHE partnerships according to Madagascar PHE Network members. The purpose of this PHE quality charter is to: (1) Document the shared values and commitment to human rights of Madagascar PHE Network members; Enable quality assurance of PHE partnerships across Madagascar while the number of these PHE partnerships increases; (3) Strengthen organisational reflection / learning and peer exchange; (4) Generate recognition of the quality of the work of Madagascar PHE Network members; (5) Provide leadership to the international PHE community with regards to PHE quality standards (this is the first PHE quality charter of its kind.

Año: 2018

Fuente: Red PHE de Madagascar

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