• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

30 de junho de 2021

População, Saúde e Meio Ambiente em Nível Comunitário em Madagascar

The USAID Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Integration Activity in Madagascar (2017-2019) was led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. under the USAID Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) Project […]

14 de abril de 2021

Mulheres como guardiãs do meio ambiente: a experiência do programa Small Grants

Este artigo tenta “documentar boas práticas que apresentam as mulheres como administradoras ambientais e concentra-se exclusivamente em projetos liderados e implementados por mulheres”.

Por que a população importa

This report focuses on how population impacts many aspects of our lives, including issues as diverse as poverty, health, education, water, and forests.

Projeto de Parcerias Sustentáveis da USAID para Melhorar o Empreendimento Rural e o Desenvolvimento do Agronegócio (SPREAD): Avaliação do Programa de Meio Prazo do Programa Integrado de Saúde Comunitária

This evaluation of the SPREAD Project reveals stakeholder perceptions of the integrated approach, shares successes, challenges and lessons learned, and makes recommendations to inform future funding of integrated programming.

13 de abril de 2021

A história do PHE em Madagascar: olhando para os últimos 25 anos e para o próximo capítulo

This report provides an overview of the evolution of the integrated PHE approach in Madagascar from the late 1980s through until the present day, along with a summary of opportunities and challenges relating to the scale up of this approach moving forward.

Situação da População Mundial 2009: Enfrentando um Mundo em Mudança: Mulheres, População e Clima

This 2009 flagship report argues that reproductive health care, including family planning, and gender relations could influence the future course of climate change and affect how humanity adapts to rising seas, worsening storms and severe droughts.

Ampliação das Empresas Florestais Comunitárias na Tanzânia

We present three emerging sustainable community forest enterprises that have delivered important social, economic and conservation benefits, and explore options for scaling up these approaches across Tanzania and elsewhere.

Gestão de recursos e fertilidade na reserva da biosfera de Sian Ka'an, no México: Campos, dinheiro e contracepção na vila de pescadores de lagosta de Punta Allen

This case study examines the link between marine resource management and the contraceptive use among married couples in the lobster-fishing village of Punta Allen, located in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

9 de abril de 2021

Dinâmica Populacional, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Condado de Siaya

This brief contains recommendations for Siaya County government, donors, and program implementers to develop policies and implement programs that integrate population dynamics, environment/climate change, and development.

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