Archive for: News Article

Les femmes sont touchées de manière disproportionnée par les impacts combinés de crises telles que la COVID-19 et le changement climatique, des pics de violence sexiste aux reculs de la main-d'œuvre mondiale et à l'accès réduit aux ressources de base comme l'eau potable et le bois de chauffage. Il est temps de donner la priorité aux approches à fort impact et multisectorielles qui peuvent aider à réduire ces défis sexospécifiques, comme assurer l'accès aux soins de planification familiale volontaire dans le cadre d'approches de développement holistiques et durables.

Année : 2021

Source : APCE

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Already reviewed by the Ministry of Public Health and currently in pilot mode, the posters will soon be available in several Malagasy dialects including Betsimisaraka, Vezo, Sakalava-Vezo, Sakalava-Antakarana, Betsileo and Tanala. They show what communities should do to protect themselves and others from this coronavirus, with more illustrations than text to optimise everyone’s understanding. The messages align with those already promoted by the World Health Organization in Madagascar, and complement existing government tools that have been designed for use in higher literacy urban settings.

Année : 2020

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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English posters

This news article on the Madagascar PHE Network website summarizes the November 2019 showcase event to review five years of achievements since the Network’s creation. More than 100 people gathered at the Hotel Carlton Anosy in Antananarivo, Madagascar, including representatives from 40 health and environmental organisations plus local associations, communities, ministries, funders, embassies and the media. Key results, implementation experiences and lessons learned were shared through presentations, exhibition stands, posters, discussion panels and community testimonies.

Année : 2019

Source : Réseau PHE de Madagascar

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