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4 résultats de recherche pour :


Modèle Planification Familiale-Objectifs de Développement Durable (PF-ODD)

The FP-SDGs Model is an evidence-based advocacy tool that projects medium- and long-term effects of three different family planning scenarios, capturing the significant impact that contraceptive use has on SDG achievement.


Plan national d'accélération de la planification familiale du Burkina Faso 2017-2020

Burkina Faso’s National Plan for Accelerating Family Planning 2017–2020 is a strategic costed implementation plan developed with technical support from HP+ with a clear vision, strategic objectives, and plan to achieve national family planning goals.


Atteindre les Objectifs de Développement Durable au Mali : La Contribution de la Planification Familiale

This brief summarizes the results of using the FP-SDGs Model to quantify the benefits of accelerated contraceptive use to help make the case for increased domestic resources for family planning. It offers actions that stakeholders can consider to accelerate progress on family planning and the SDGs in Mali.