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Dialogue multipartite sur la dynamique des populations, le genre, la santé et le climat

15 février 2023

The National Population Council (NPC) in collaboration with Regenerate Africa and Uganda Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Network, and partners, 123 Collective, Population Institute,The GAIA Initiative for Earth-Human Balance, Rapid Advisory Services and BUILD/USAID/AFIDEP, have organized a one day convening entitled, Population dynamics, Gender, Health and Climate connection: Why bridging the gap and building solutions together is a win- win for people, climate and the planet?

This event will feature policy and practice experts and practitioners to shed light on realities of population, Health and Climate interconnectedness which remain vastly underappreciated.

The event will share practical strategies practices, approaches and lessons that can be employed and scaled up to build and strengthen the resilience of people and planet.