• A vector graphic of three people working on their laptops. The text reads: "Search the collection"

18 de abril de 2022

Futuro resiliente: estratégias de financiamento climático para programas de planejamento familiar

This video illustrates strategies for family planning and reproductive health program implementers and advocates to position their programs to access climate adaptation funding. A virtual watch party and workshop in April […]

14 de abril de 2021

Organizações de Mulheres e Finanças Climáticas: Engajando-se em Processos e Acessando Recursos

This report is one piece of the ongoing work and advocacy undertaken by many colleagues and collaborators, to transform our climate finance system into one that is gender-responsive and equitable.

13 de abril de 2021

A Economia da Política Populacional para Redução de Emissões de Carbono em Países em Desenvolvimento

This paper considers the economic case for increasing financial support for female education and family planning from resources devoted to carbon emissions abatement.

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