Integração do planejamento familiar em outros setores de desenvolvimento

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Evidence confirms that family planning contributes to broad development goals of poverty reduction, enhanced education, environmental sustainability, and gender equality, but improving access to contraception has largely remained an effort contained within the health sector. While development programs outside the health sector increasingly recognize the connections between improving family planning and reaching their own goals, more evidence is needed on whether and how such efforts can work, and what types of models might be replicated and scaled up.

The FHI 360 PROGRESS project (2008-2013) added to the evidence base on multi-sector integration, providing guidance on how development organizations can successfully expand their program model to include family planning services. Among these was the Green Belt Movement (Kenya) and Conservation Through Public Health (Uganda). Working closely with partners, PROGRESS developed, implemented, and evaluated interventions, and then synthesized lessons learned and packaged materials for use in replicating and scaling up these interventions.

Ano 2013

Source: FHI 360 | Progress Project

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