Archive for: Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association

This assessment report presents the experiences of the implementation of the Population, Health and Environment (PHE) projects in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia. Four zones, four districts/woredas and five kebeles were included in the assessment study. Since the PHE projects in the SNNPRS were focused on the youth group of the population, 447 respondents of the study were all youth (16-24) which were sampled from the five respective study kebeles. A mixed methods research was utilized to generate cross-sectional data/information which intently was made to contain a longitudinal perspective. Multiple instruments of data/information collection were also deployed. Framed on a broader perspective of the PHE approach at global level and in Ethiopia, the report contains various evidences that reveal the extent to which the PHE projects had succeeded, or were impeded, in attaining the purposes for which they were designed.

Año: 2016

Source: Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association

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